
Welcome to Nightwolf’s Den

It’s my little space on the web where I write about things.

A bit about me


My name is Caroline and I live in a smallish town in the north of the glorious state of Tasmania, Australia. I would love to live in the gorgeous, abundant green bush we have here in the state but the lack of internets is one of the things that keeps me here.
Our household is currently my husband, our two gorgeous daughters, our five furry felines, and 2 boisterous chooks.

We are also a foster carer for Just Cats Tasmania since 2019.

I’d love it if you subscribe to my feed, and you can always find me on Facebook and Instagram.

A bit about the blog

I’ve been blogging, in some form, since about 2003. I’ve been scrapbooking and art journaling in various forms since 2005 (well really before that but I never gave it a name), taking photos for as long as I can remember, enjoying food and cooking since I was little, and parenting since 2010.

Nightwolf’s Den started with the tagline “It’s a little craft, a little parenting and a lot of me.” It was my home to write about things like scrapbooking, Project Life, food, photography, blogging, parenting and just life in general.

It’s slowly evolved and my craft and photography now have their own blog at Nightwolf Scraps. The Den is now a lot of food, planner things, parenting stuff and life in general.

So thanks for joining me and I hope you enjoy your stay in my little space 🙂