50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind

List found here

  1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? 30ish
  2. Which is worse, failing or never trying? Never trying
  3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? Peer pressure, the need to keep up with everyone else
  4. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?  I hope not.
  5. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? Get rid of all forms of cancer
  6. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? Crafting
  7. Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing? I’m not sure
  8. If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently? I would have spent more time with family
  9. To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken? Pretty much most of it.
  10. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? Doing the right thing
  11. You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire.  They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend.  The criticism is distasteful and unjustified.  What do you do? Speak up and defend them.
  12. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? Be yourself.
  13. Would you break the law to save a loved one? Most likely yes
  14. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity? Yes
  15. What’s something you know you do differently than most people? Can’t think of anything
  16. How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy? Because everyone is different
  17. What one thing have you not done that you really want to do?  What’s holding you back? Travel. Money.
  18. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? Yes
  19. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why? New Zealand or Canada.
  20. Do you push the elevator button more than once?  Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?
  21. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? Joyful simpleton
  22. Why are you, you? Because I am
  23. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? I hope so
  24. Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you? loosing touch with a good friend
  25. What are you most grateful for? Family & Friends
  26. Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones? Never be able to make new ones
  27. Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first? Probably not
  28. Has your greatest fear ever come true? Yup
  29. Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset?  Does it really matter now? No. Obviously not
  30. What is your happiest childhood memory?  What makes it so special? Spending time with mum & dad. Mum’s not here now
  31. At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive? Can’t think of one just now.
  32. If not now, then when? That is the question.
  33. If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose? Nothing
  34. Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever? Yes
  35. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? Power and money
  36. Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil? No
  37. If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job? No
  38. Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing? Depends on the day.
  39. Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before? Sometimes
  40. When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in? When we started our business
  41. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today? Mum if she was still here. Otherwise I’d spend it with hubby.
  42. Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous? Hell no.
  43. What is the difference between being alive and truly living? Truly living is doing.
  44. When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right? Not sure
  45. If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake? Part of being human
  46. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? More tattoos
  47. When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing? Last night
  48. What do you love?  Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love? Family. Yes
  49. In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday?  What about the day before that?  Or the day before that? Most likely not, unless I look back at my planners
  50. Decisions are being made right now.  The question is:  Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you? Mostly for myself. Some are out of my control.

Finishing off my 101 list

I’ve gone through my list (which you can check out here) and thought I’d list what is left. Then I thought about it some more and a few of those items aren’t on my radar any more, aren’t of interest or not doable by April.
SO here’s what I still have left to do by April……

  1. new jumpers for me
  2. a set of oracle cards
  3. buy a Linkin Park t-shirt (I regret never getting one in my 20s)
  4. get our wedding scrapbook finished
  5. Keep up to date with my ALP
  6. Create a quilt from the kids’ old clothes (at least get them cut)
  7. Create a blanket of our old band/tv show t-shirts (as above)
  8. create a spiritual journal/workbook
  9. celebrate the sabbats
  10. aim for a weekly walk
  11. create a recipe book
  12. Have a BBQ (when we get the gazebo up!)
  13. complete one of my udemy courses
  14. learn to crochet
  15. Take the kids to Tazmazia
  16. Visit the tessellated pavement
  17. Cradle Mountain
  18. answer the 50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind
  19. write my name in wet cement
  20. give my personal blog a makeover
  21. sort our movie library
  22. Watch sunrise & sunset in the same day
  23. Get that damn gazebo up
  24. take the kids 10 pin bowling
  25. make a brand new 101 in 1001 list!

25 actionable things to do by the 28th of April. I can do this

Happy New Year?

Is it? When our country is burning? And some of our pollies don’t seem to give a damn.

This is where the fires are currently…..

Australian Bushfires Map
(image source: www.thesun.co.uk)

To put it into perspective, when the Amazon was on fire it was an area of approx. 2,2400,000 acres. Currently in Australia – approx. 11,300,000. I’ll let that sink in for a moment.

Fortunately where we are, there are currently no fires and we are not near enough the bush to worry but thousands aren’t so lucky. Thousands have lost everything. We’ve lost so much of our native wildlife and native flora. And they are saying the worst is yet to come with extreme fire conditions predicted for the weekend.

Our PM went on holiday to Hawaii during the fires and only can back when there was such an outcry from the public.  Since then there have been meagre offers of help from those in power and lots of ‘thoughts and prayers’. Sorry thoughts and prayers don’t do squat when everything you own is gone.

What can we do to help?

Donate direct to either the NSW or Victorian Fire brigades.
Donate to the NSW Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service (WIRES) here
Donate to Port Macquarie Koala Hospital here

To donate to the Salvation Army disaster appeal, you can call 13 SALVOS (13 72 58), donate at any Woolworths checkout, or donate online here.

The Australian Red  Cross launched a joint disaster appeal with the ABC (Australian Broadcast Commission) to support communities affected by fires, so far raising over $2 million. You can donate here.

St Vincent De Paul Society are also running a disaster appeal. You can donate here or in person at any Vinnies store.

Here’s hoping for a cool change and some much needed rain.

Goodbye 2019

and with that it’s time to do the final update for my list of 100 things in 2019.
Honestly I’m not sure if I’m going to do it again in 2020 but I know I will be trying to finish off my list of 101 things which you can see over here.

On with the list……

(bold is started, strike thru is finished & red isn’t done )
(Tally – Started:30  Finished: 32  Not done: 38 )

  1. Finally get gazebo up – it’s happening this summer. Finally!!!!
  2. Replace the garage roof
  3. Organise garage & office
  4. New laundry storage (cupboard)
  5. Redo my herb garden
  6. Philips hue lights for kitchen
  7. Arlo doorbell
  8. Do Declutter 365 – got most of the way through. Giving it another go in 2020
  9. Sort the kitchen
  10. sort our bedroom
  11. some kind of toy storage for the kids but going to revisit it now Xmas is over
  12. Get a new tattoo
  13. Get a massage
  14. finish Holly McCaig course
  15. Take 3 courses at DailyOM
  16. take a cooking class
  17. take a cake decorating class
  18. read at least a book a month (I’m slowly adding them over to Goodreads as I finish them)
  19. more me time
  20. look at uni return
  21. Personal email inbox to zero
  22. date night once a month
  23. Blog a new recipe each month
  24. Try something I’ve pinned and blog the results
  25. Monthly blog back up
  26. Blog everyday for 1 month (not for #30Lists)
  27. New design for Nightwolf’s Den – it’s coming soon
  28. blog calendar for Nightwolf’s Den
  29. blog calendar for Nightwolf Scraps
  30. catch up on Nightwolf Scraps posts I had planned in 2018
  31. work thru problogger course
  32. Zero work inbox monthly
  33. update portfolio
  34. business goddess course
  35. investigate work related courses
  36. Udemy courses
  37. BAS
  38. get some routines happening
  39. Anzac Day service sick kiddos again
  40. See more of Tassie
  41. Visit QVMAG
  42. Have my parents over for dinner
  43. Watch a documentary every month (12/12)
  44. Have a board games night
  45. Visit the tessellated pavement
  46. Tahune air walk  – bit hard as it hasn’t reopened since the fires
  47. go on a random road trip
  48. go camping
  49. Create a mini Goddess altar
  50. Celebrate the solstices
  51. Read at least 3 books with a spiritual focus (1/3)
  52. Meditate more
  53. Create a spiritual journal
  54. Do #30Lists (March, September, December)
  55. Do the 100 day happy project (will be blogging that one soon)
  56. Finish JYC 2012, 2018
  57. Finish wedding scrapbook
  58. Organise all my paper scrapbook supplies
  59. Scrapbook with others more
  60. Get PL printed and in books
  61. Create a scrapping binder
  62. create a blanket from our old Hawks scarves
  63. finish Determined to Shine course
  64. Awesome Ladies Project – Lens
  65. Sort bookmarks (& delete duplicates or broken links)
  66. Sort & cull movie folder
  67. Sort and cull TV folder
  68. Sort photos
  69. Sort and cull double ups on music drive
  70. Sort EHDs and make sure there’s no duplicates
  71. Create some kick ass Spotify playlists
  72. Switch Off Sundays
  73. learn to do more with the etcher
  74. learn to use the Mac again
  75. Afternoon Teal
  76. Throw a dinner party
  77. Christmas club savings
  78. Craft with mum more
  79. Project Life date once a week
  80. Camp Reset
  81. visit a couple of waterfalls
  82. swim in the ocean
  83. star wars
  84. be an awesome lady
  85. go fishing
  86. Buy myself a Linkin Park t-shirt
  87. Buy myself some new bathers
  88. new ipads
  89. new apple watch
  90. new watch bands
  91. new router
  92. kit sub
  93. settlers collection
  94. Keep a gratitude journal
  95. aim for a weekly walk
  96. more outside time
  97. use the wii/xbox
  98. a year in pixels
  99. better sleep
  100. finish off our recipe book

Blogging, Planners and best laid plans

Hello? Anyone still here?
I’ve been blogging over on my craft blog and thought about doing something planner related and remembered that’s on this blog. Opps. I’ve been a bit neglectful of my baby.

So……. time for an update post. Strap in, it could be a long one.

We’ve got a Christmas update to the look. I’m working behind the scenes for a new look for 2020. So stay tuned.

Family – the 4 of us are doing well.
Miss K is in grade 3. Growing like a weed and will be taller than me soon. She’s turning into quite a good swimmer and represented the school this year in a swimming carnival.
Miss A is in Kinder and has made some great friends. Still a fussy eater (so any advice? LOL)
J & I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary. J got his first tattoo. I added another to my collection.

Mum passed away in her sleep on the 6th of December. Her funeral was yesterday. The last week has been hard and tiring.

Planner wise. I made 3 years in a bound bullet journal. Still love it. BUT I finally bit the bullet and subbed to a planner subscription. Went with Planners Anonymous cause they are Australian and not super expensive (start at $45AUD). I am seriously in love. Each month the basic kit is 6 sheets of double sided paper, 1 sheet of Vellum, 1 sheet of Acetate, a pen, 3 rolls of washi (25mm, 15mm & 9mm), a full sized stamp set, feature die cut, a set of die cuts, a feature 6×8 print, a bookmark, 6 journal cards AND a sticker sheet set PLUS each month there is a mystery item.

The kit for November is That’s So 90s and it makes my inner 90s teen super excited.


Oh and they do awesome subscriber bonuses. Each month you get a printable insert, phone backgrounds, a digital copy of the cards and cute printable planner girls (& guys). There’s is also the option to buy a luxe version of the insert.
That’s not all (but wait, there’s steak knives LOL) – they also make the most gorgeous B6 Travellers Notebook covers! Yeah I am a bit of a fan. You can check out what I’ve been doing with the subs over on my planner Instagram.
(Want to sub and get 10% off your first order? Follow this link)

Craft wise you can see what I’ve been up to over at Nightwolf Scraps. I’m slowly updating it with my crafty creations for 2019. Lots of Awesome Ladies Project and The Reset Girl stuff.

Hopefully I might start sharing over here a bit more now and not leave it so long between updates.

100 Things in 2019–Half way

Hi stranger. How’ve you been? Me? Well it’s been an interesting few months but that’s another post for another day. Today I’m here to update my 100 things list for this year…..

(bold is started, strike thru is finished & red isn’t done )

  1. Finally get gazebo up
  2. Replace the garage roof
  3. Organise garage & office
  4. New laundry storage (cupboard)
  5. Redo my herb garden
  6. Philips hue lights for kitchen
  7. Arlo doorbell
  8. Do Declutter 365
  9. Sort the kitchen
  10. sort our bedroom
  11. some kind of toy storage for the kids
  12. Get a new tattoo
  13. Get a massage
  14. finish Holly McCaig course
  15. Take 3 courses at DailyOM
  16. take a cooking class
  17. take a cake decorating class
  18. read at least a book a month (I’m slowly adding them over to Goodreads as I finish them)
  19. more me time
  20. look at uni return
  21. Personal email inbox to zero
  22. date night once a month
  23. Blog a new recipe each month
  24. Try something I’ve pinned and blog the results
  25. Monthly blog back up
  26. Blog everyday for 1 month (not for #30Lists)
  27. New design for Nightwolf’s Den
  28. blog calendar for Nightwolf’s Den
  29. blog calendar for Nightwolf Scraps
  30. catch up on Nightwolf Scraps posts I had planned in 2018
  31. work thru problogger course
  32. Zero work inbox monthly
  33. update portfolio
  34. business goddess course
  35. investigate work related courses
  36. Udemy courses
  37. BAS
  38. get some routines happening
  39. Anzac Day service sick kiddos again
  40. See more of Tassie
  41. Visit QVMAG
  42. Have my parents over for dinner
  43. Watch a documentary every month (6/12)
  44. Have a board games night
  45. Visit the tessellated pavement
  46. Tahune air walk
  47. go on a random road trip
  48. go camping
  49. Create a mini Goddess altar
  50. Celebrate the solstices
  51. Read at least 3 books with a spiritual focus
  52. Meditate more
  53. Create a spiritual journal
  54. Do #30Lists (March, September, December)
  55. Do the 100 day happy project (will be blogging that one soon)
  56. Finish JYC 2012, 2018
  57. Finish wedding scrapbook
  58. Organise all my paper scrapbook supplies
  59. Scrapbook with others more
  60. Get PL printed and in books
  61. Create a scrapping binder
  62. create a blanket from our old Hawks scarves
  63. finish Determined to Shine course
  64. Awesome Ladies Project – Lens
  65. Sort bookmarks (& delete duplicates or broken links)
  66. Sort & cull movie folder
  67. Sort and cull TV folder
  68. Sort photos
  69. Sort and cull double ups on music drive
  70. Sort EHDs and make sure there’s no duplicates
  71. Create some kick ass Spotify playlists
  72. Switch Off Sundays
  73. learn to do more with the etcher
  74. learn to use the Mac again
  75. Afternoon Teal
  76. Throw a dinner party
  77. Christmas club savings
  78. Craft with mum more
  79. Project Life date once a week
  80. Camp Reset
  81. visit a couple of waterfalls
  82. swim in the ocean
  83. star wars
  84. be an awesome lady
  85. go fishing
  86. Buy myself a Linkin Park t-shirt
  87. Buy myself some new bathers
  88. new ipads
  89. new apple watch
  90. new watch bands
  91. new router
  92. kit sub
  93. settlers collection
  94. Keep a gratitude journal
  95. aim for a weekly walk
  96. more outside time
  97. use the wii/xbox
  98. a year in pixels
  99. better sleep
  100. finish off our recipe book

100 Things in 2019

It’s time for my 2019 list. A few from last year and a few new ones. Let’s see how we go in 2019!
Will be back in June with my mid-year check in

(bold is started, strike thru is finished & red isn’t done )

  1. Finally get gazebo up
  2. Replace the garage roof
  3. Organise garage & office
  4. New laundry storage (cupboard)
  5. Redo my herb garden
  6. Philips hue lights for kitchen
  7. Arlo doorbell
  8. Do Declutter 365
  9. Sort the kitchen
  10. sort our bedroom
  11. some kind of toy storage for the kids
  12. Get a new tattoo
  13. Get a massage
  14. finish Holly McCaig course
  15. Take 3 courses at DailyOM
  16. take a cooking class
  17. take a cake decorating class
  18. read at least a book a month (I’m slowly adding them over to Goodreads as I finish them)
  19. more me time
  20. look at uni return
  21. Personal email inbox to zero
  22. date night once a month
  23. Blog a new recipe each month
  24. Try something I’ve pinned and blog the results
  25. Monthly blog back up
  26. Blog everyday for 1 month (not for #30Lists)
  27. New design for Nightwolf’s Den
  28. blog calendar for Nightwolf’s Den
  29. blog calendar for Nightwolf Scraps
  30. catch up on Nightwolf Scraps posts I had planned in 2018
  31. work thru problogger course
  32. Zero work inbox monthly
  33. update portfolio
  34. business goddess course
  35. investigate work related courses
  36. Udemy courses
  37. BAS
  38. get some routines happening
  39. Anzac Day service
  40. See more of Tassie
  41. Visit QVMAG
  42. Have my parents over for dinner
  43. Watch a documentary every month (2/12)
  44. Have a board games night
  45. Visit the tessellated pavement
  46. Tahune air walk
  47. go on a random road trip
  48. go camping
  49. Create a mini Goddess altar
  50. Celebrate the solstices
  51. Read at least 3 books with a spiritual focus
  52. Meditate more
  53. Create a spiritual journal
  54. Do #30Lists (March, September, December)
  55. Do the 100 day happy project
  56. Finish JYC 2012, 2018
  57. Finish wedding scrapbook
  58. Organise all my paper scrapbook supplies
  59. Scrapbook with others more
  60. Get PL printed and in books
  61. Create a scrapping binder
  62. create a blanket from our old Hawks scarves
  63. finish Determined to Shine course
  64. Awesome Ladies Project – Lens
  65. Sort bookmarks (& delete duplicates or broken links)
  66. Sort & cull movie folder
  67. Sort and cull TV folder
  68. Sort photos
  69. Sort and cull double ups on music drive
  70. Sort EHDs and make sure there’s no duplicates
  71. Create some kick ass Spotify playlists
  72. Switch Off Sundays
  73. learn to do more with the etcher
  74. learn to use the Mac again
  75. Afternoon Teal
  76. Throw a dinner party
  77. Christmas club savings
  78. Craft with mum more
  79. Project Life date once a week
  80. Camp Reset
  81. visit a couple of waterfalls
  82. swim in the ocean
  83. star wars
  84. be an awesome lady
  85. go fishing
  86. Buy myself a Linkin Park t-shirt
  87. Buy myself some new bathers
  88. new ipads
  89. new apple watch
  90. new watch bands
  91. new router
  92. kit sub
  93. settlers collection
  94. Keep a gratitude journal
  95. aim for a weekly walk
  96. more outside time
  97. use the wii/xbox
  98. a year in pixels
  99. better sleep
  100. finish off our recipe book

Happy New Year & all that jazz

We’re 2 months in and well here we are, my first post for the year.

My big is back at school in Grade 3(!!) and my little is about to start kindergarten. Where have the years gone.

So more time for me-  ha who am I kidding? In all seriousness though I’m using the time to get back into study and hopefully lots more crafty time.

Hope the new year is treating you well so far xx

My 100 things in 2018–end of year tally

Here we are 6 days in to the new year and I’m setting up my new bullet journal for the year and I realise I haven’t shared my 100 things end of year tally (or done my 2019 list lol). I honesty I don’t think I got a heap done but we’ll see…

(bold is started, strike thru is finished & red isn’t done )

  1. Celebrate my 40th birthday!!
  2. Do #30Lists (March, September, December)
  3. Get a new tattoo
  4. Buy the new Linkin Park album (One More Light Live)
  5. Buy myself a Linkin Park t-shirt
  6. Personal email inbox to zero
    Managed to end the year on an empty inbox

  7. Do my nails at least once a month
  8. Afternoon Teal – not in February but we might do something later in the year
  9. Buy myself some new bathers
  10. Buy some new jeans
  11. Buy some jumpers for winter
  12. Do the 100 Day Project
  13. Work through the Book of Me at Awesome Ladies
  14. Do the 100 day happy project
    started but never finished

  15. Finish JYC 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
  16. Scrapbook with mum more
    well it was card making but I’m counting it

  17. Finish wedding scrapbook
  18. Organise all my paper scrapbook supplies
    – still going

  19. Scrapbook with others more
  20. Project Life date at least once a week – digitally done
  21. Create a scrapping binder
    – started with the new Simple Scrapper Scrapbook Your Way workbook

  22. Complete a 365 day photo challenge
  23. Get K’s PL album complete up to the end of 2017

  24. Get A’s PL album complete up to the end of 2017

  25. Create a mini Goddess altar
  26. Celebrate the solstices
  27. Read at least 3 books with a spiritual focus
  28. Meditate more
  29. Buy a set of oracle cards
  30. Create a spiritual journal
  31. Investigate essential oil companies and buy some new oils
  32. Keep a gratitude journal
  33. Read the cards once a month
    – did a couple of months but it fell by the wayside

  34. Work with the moon more
  35. Blog a new recipe each month
  36. Try something I’ve pinned and blog the results
  37. Monthly blog back up
  38. Blog everyday for 1 month (not for #30Lists)
  39. New design for Nightwolf Scraps
  40. New design for Nightwolf’s Den
  41. Make ten recipes off of Pinterest.
  42. Throw a dinner party
  43. Dentist for me.
  44. Organise Pinterest boards better
  45. Buy a new camera lens
  46. Sort bookmarks (& delete duplicates or broken links)
  47. Sort & cull movie folder
  48. Sort and cull TV folder
  49. Set up the Xbox & use it
    (& we got a Wii too)

  50. Sort photos
  51. Sort and cull double ups on music drive
  52. Sort EHDs and make sure there’s no duplicates
  53. Work emails to zero each week
  54. Finally get gazebo up
  55. Finish laundry reno

  56. New laundry storage (cupboard)

  57. Organise garage & office

  58. Redo my herb garden

  59. Get floors polished

  60. Create a quilt from the kids’ old clothes

  61. create a blanket from our old Hawks scarves

  62. Create a blanket of our old band/tv show t-shirts
  63. create a recipe book
  64. Write a letter to Miss K to open on her 18th

  65. Write a letter to Miss A to open on her 18th

  66. Update wills
  67. Work on family tree
  68. Create a family binder and get some routines happening
  69. Anzac Day service
  70. Have a family movie night (complete with popcorn & choc tops)
  71. See more of Tassie
  72. Visit QVMAG
    Did TMAG instead

  73. Write in family journals more often
  74. Get a massage
  75. Get to bed 10:30 on weeknights
  76. Cook more with the thermomix
  77. Renew Thermofun membership for 2018
  78. Make beef jerky
  79. Create less waste – recycle more
  80. Learn a new recipe each month
  81. Go berry picking

  82. Go to the Harvest market more

  83. aim for a weekly walk
  84. Learn brush lettering on the ipad
  85. Take an art journal class
  86. Learn to French braid
  87. finish Holly McCaig course

  88. finish Determined to Shine course

  89. Take 3 courses at DailyOM

  90. take a cooking class

  91. take a cake decorating class

  92. read the entire Chronicles of Narnia series
  93. Read for thirty minutes every night for one month.
  94. Have my parents over for dinner
  95. Have in laws over for dinner
  96. Watch a documentary every month (12/12)
  97. Christmas club savings
  98. Have a board games night
  99. Visit the tessellated pavement
  100. Take the kids to Tazmazia