On May 17 we acknowledge IDAHOBIT as a day for our communities to go rainbow, and stand up against discrimination. Whether you’re part of the LGTBQIA+ community or you’re an ally – today we stand together.
International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) is observed on May 17 and aims to coordinate international events that raise awareness of LGBT rights violations and stimulate interest in LGBT rights work worldwide.
But why May 17? This date commemorates the anniversary the World Health Organisation removed homosexuality from the International Classification of Diseases in 1990. Prior to this, homosexuality was classified globally as a mental illness.
That’s only 33 short years ago.
As recently as 1997, being gay was illegal in some parts of Australia – and until just five years ago, same-sex marriage was not recognised in our country. While we have certainly come a long way in the advancements of LGBTQIA+ equity, the unfortunate reality is that these milestones are very recent in our experience.
With this in mind, IDAHOBIT has two main purposes.
- Today is an opportunity to celebrate the pride and allyship of the people who have worked to build equality around the world.
- And to raise awareness of the discrimination LGBTQIA+ people still face today.
Australia-wide research conducted by La Trobe University highlights the prevalence of discrimination still occuring around our country:
2 in 3 LGBTQIA+ youth experience harassment or abuse due to their identity. That’s 66% of our young people.
But discrimination of this kind is not contained to the classroom.
A study of almost 7,000 LGBTQIA+ people of all ages in Australia found that 1 in 3 people have experienced verbal abuse in the past 12 months because of their identity. This includes insults, humiliation and threats, just for being who they are.
It’s worth repeating again. One third of LGBTQIA+ people have experienced verbal abuse in the last 12 months.
When it comes to creating a world where everyone is safe to be themselves – there’s still work for us to do.
We need safe spaces where LGBTQIA+ people belong that are inclusive for everyone.
We can donate to places like Minus18, who do so much great work for our LGBTQIA+ youth.
IDAHOBIT is coordinated by Minus18, Australia’s charity for LGBTQIA+ young people across the country. You can find out more about the day, and discover information about identity and inclusion through the website www.IDAHOBIT.org.au. Check it out, there’s lots for us to learn.
Together, we can build a world without discrimination, today and every day of the year.