So I’m 7 challenges into the organising challenge and I thought I’d post on how I’m going 🙂
The first three challenges were pretty much planning stuff and taking stock of what I’ve got and my space.
Challenge 4 was all about paper.
I can say I have actually sorted my 12×12 paper into themes and placed them in ziplock bags. I’ve got the Kaiser paper folder and about 8 pockets so I’ve started putting my papers away (yay!)
My cardstock is now sorted by colour and in my paper rack, as is my specialty papers.
A4 papers are now in a folder and on my computer desk.
Yay me, most of that challenge is actually done, just need a few more pockets so I can get the rest of my 12×12 papers stored away.
Challenge 5 is about paper scraps. I’ll be honest, I’ve got as far as getting another Kaiser 12×12 paper folder. I need an afternoon to sort them into colour and then I can work on one colour at a time.
Challenge 6 – photos…. um next. Haven’t done a thing.
Challenge 7 – Ideas: I’ve got my four folders ready, covers designed, dividers ready. I’ve even sorted all the stuff on my computers into corresponding folders. I’ve got the filing cabinet ready to go & have even put some files in there. I now have a huge pile of ideas to sort and put into their folder. I’ve got all my double up of magazines ready to donate. that’s as far as I’ve got on this one.
On the upside of all this organising spree – I’ve tidied up my Twitter accounts, I’m going through my Facebook pages and friends and I plan to go through my blogs later today.
Back later with Challenge 8 – Projects, Incomplete Pages and Kits