Nightwolf Scraps in 2019

Welcome, welcome friends. Here we are nearly to the end of February and I am yet to post.

The holidays are over and the kids are back at school. My baby is in kindergarten so I have 3 whole days a week with no kiddos!!
One is hoping that this is going to help the creative juices flow a bit more in 2019.

What am I planning for 2019? So far – lots!!

  • Creating monthly pages in my 6×8 album that are just my stories. At this stage I’ll be using the Awesome Ladies Project monthly Lens prompts, with the occasional Day In the Life and Week in the Life spreads. It’ll evolve as it goes.
  • Working on the girls’ Project Life albums monthly. Now that they are growing up I want to rethink how I do these albums. Do I still want to do an album each? Who knows? We’ll see how it goes.
  • Morning pages. Now we’re in a good school routine I’m hoping to get back into creating something quick of a morning.
    If not morning pages I’ll pop something in my little quote book I started.
  • 30 Days of Lists.
  • Kellie is planning on doing 3 rounds of 31 things in 31 days. Looking forward to that.
  • 100 Day Project. Not sure what I want to do. Throwing round the idea of giving myself a weekly theme.
  • 100 Happy Days. I didn’t do this last year but I really want to do it this year. I think it is something I need to do even if just for myself.
  • Working through some classes at Big Picture and Simple Scrapper.
  • Photographing projects and sharing them here cause I have been so bad at that.

Who knows what else. We’ll see what the year brings. What are your plans for 2019?

Wrapping up 2018

Well another year is nearly over again and it’s time for a bit of a recap of 2018.

I managed to complete a few card classes from my local card class.

I finished my Awesome Ladies Project for 2018 – Book of Me.

I’ve completed a plan for my December album for this year. Now to actually create the pages.

I did all 3 seasons of 30 Lists.

Morning pages were a thing. I plan on getting back to doing them in 2019 as I really love the little creative burst first thing in the morning.

The blog is getting a makeover. Hopefully it will be done by NYE

What does 2019 bring?

More Awesome Ladies Project. More handmade cards. Catch up on the girls’ albums

2017 Round up & 2018 Plans


Happy New Year! Time for a quick look back at my goals for last year and forward to my plans for 2018

2017 started out ok and I got a fair bit of creating done, then it just petered off and I hardly created anything in the second half of the year. Makes me sad cause I love creating.

In 2017 my plans were….

  • create a photo book of our holiday using the Project Life app and most likely printing it through Snapfish. Nope didn’t happen. On my list of things to do, eventually but not digitally anymore as my eldest wants to help me create that scrapbook
    so yay a joint project.  
  • finish our 2016 Journal Your Christmas pages. Keeping it very simple this year so I get it done. This is kind of done. I did a few pages before we went away on holiday and I plan to add a spread showcasing the best bits of our holiday and Christmas day.
  • create a year of me album – not sure what it will include as yet but it’s my Awesome Ladies Project for the year Managed to get a couple of months of the Awesome Ladies Project done and the majority of 100 Days of Me. This is a project I can go back to whenever though as I made a ton of notes each month
  • keep up to date with the girls albums. Simplify this year. Use up the supplies I have. Print photos and journal each month. Get it done, not perfect. Well….. I’ll be honest. There is nothing in the girls’ albums for 2017. Some of it is planned digitally but none made it to albums. Adding it to my catch up pile.
  • Day in the Life & Week in the Life. Thinking of doing these digitally and printing them. I did this for Day in the Life in 2016 and it worked well so I might try it for Week in the Life too. I actually did this one and completed it. And it’s in my Year of Me album.
  • possibly other projects that I have on the backburner or that spark my interest. Made a few cards and got into a few other non paper crafting things like loom banding and crochet over winter though.

Onto 2018….

  • Book of Me at Awesome Ladies
  • Journal Your Christmas 2017. Taking Shimelle’s advice from 2017 and only creating for the days that speak to me. Also keeping it simple. Maybe ask Miss K to create a couple of pages for me.
  • Do a few more pages in our wedding album. It will get complete one year. No major rush on this one
  • The girls’ PL albums. Make a date each month to create their pages digitally.
  • Holiday album
  • anything else that takes my fancy.

How did you go in 2017? Have any crafting plans for 2018?

Meeting Becky Higgins

This month is Craft month at Spotlight and as part of that they brought Becky Higgins & Lizzy Kartchner over to Australia for a tour. Becky came to my local store and I was lucky enough to grab a ticket for mum & I.

We all got a Make & Take pack containing a few 6×8 plastics and some cards from the newly released Better Together by Amy Tan.

I learned so much and after chatting with Becky I’ve got to learn to hand off the camera and get myself into the kids’ albums and maybe even an album of my own (but more about that later)

Becky signed a canvas for me (well all of us if we wanted one)


Hi and welcome to Nightwolf Crafts.
It’s a place to share my creative work – scrapbooks, cards, journals, drawing.
If you want to know more check out my About page



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