This page contains information about Ovarian Cancer and my Afternoon Teal fundraising efforts.
What is Ovarian Cancer?
Ovarian cancer is a disease where some of the cells in one or both ovaries start to grow abnormally and develop into cancer.
What are the symptoms of Ovarian Cancer?
Every woman needs to know the symptoms of ovarian cancer. Make sure you do.
It can be difficult to diagnose ovarian cancer because the symptoms are ones that many women will have from time to time, and they are often symptoms of less serious and more common health problems.
But we do know that ovarian cancer is NOT a silent disease.Women who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer report four types of symptoms most frequently:
- Abdominal or pelvic pain.
- Increased abdominal size or persistent abdominal bloating.
- Needing to urinate often or urgently.
- Feeling full after eating a small amount.
If you have any of these symptoms, they are new for you and you have experienced them multiple times during a 4-week period, go to your GP.
Diagnosing ovarian cancer
If your doctor suspects ovarian cancer, there are a number of tests they can perform to help decide whether your symptoms are due to ovarian cancer or other causes. Of these tests, it is strongly recommended that both the CA125 blood test and the transvaginal ultrasound are performed.
There isn’t any one test that can be used to diagnose ovarian cancer. Doctors use both a blood test and a transvaginal ultrasound (and possibly other tests) to help make a diagnosis. If these tests strongly suggest ovarian cancer, then your doctor will recommend an operation (surgery), which is the only definite way to diagnose ovarian cancer.
Initial examinations and tests will usually include:
- Physical examination. Your doctor will examine you physically and this will include an internal pelvic examination where they check for a mass or a lump in the lower abdomen or pelvis.
- Blood tests. Your blood will be tested for a particular protein or a tumour marker called CA125. This protein is often higher than normal in women with ovarian cancer. Some women may have other tumour markers called ‘inhibin’ or ‘CEA’. The type of marker depends on the type of tumour. However, some tumours will not have any of these tumour markers. Testing your blood for these tumour markers is one way to help diagnose cancer. In women who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, these tests are also used later on to check the progress of the illness.
- Ultrasound. A transvaginal ultrasound (TVU) involves an ultrasound probe being inserted into your vagina to relay images of the ovaries to a radiologist. It is important that this type of ultrasound is used as it gives a much clearer picture of the ovaries than an abdominal or external ultrasound.
- Other imaging tests. Sometimes your doctor may organise other imaging tests. These may include chest or abdominal x-rays, an ultrasound of your lower abdomen, a CT scan, or possibly an MRI.
Your doctor may order an x-ray of your bowel called a barium enema to see if a bowel problem is causing your symptoms.
February is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, an annual Ovarian Cancer Australia campaign to raise awareness of the symptoms, risks and impact of ovarian cancer, as well as raise vital funds to support OCA's work in awareness, support, advocacy and research.
Our first Afternoon Teal event was held in 2011 and was named Scrap Teal You Drop, offering participants an event full of fun, chatting and of course crafting all while sharing the important message about Ovarian Cancer awareness. 2016 was our 5th event and also marks the 5th year since Annette's surgery. So we celebrated with 'Cheers for five years. An Afternoon Teal at Braehead'.
Our theme for 2017 was a 'Teal Gathering at Braehead'. It was a little Scottish and a lot of Teal.
Sadly in December 2019, Mum lost her battle with ovarian cancer. I'm planning on continuing our fundraising efforts returning with 'A Teal Tea for Annette' in 2021
Why fundraise for Ovarian Cancer?
In mid 2010 my mum, Annette, was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. Since becoming aware of OCA, Caroline (along with her family) have become passionate fundraisers and advocates for Ovarian Cancer awareness.
With an average five year survival rate in Australia of 43%* (compared with the average five year survival rate for breast cancer of 85%`), I thought it was important that more women be made aware of the symptoms.
What we are looking for?
I am currently looking for businesses who would be interested in donating prizes for our silent auction to be held during our Afternoon Teal.
Any business who donates a prize will receive 3 months free sidebar advertising on my blog, Nightwolf's Den as well as a product review/advertorial should they wish. Businesses will also be advertised during the day of the event.
Should you require it, a copy of my Authority to Fundraise from OCA can be provided
If you are interested please email caroline @ nightwolfsden.com
I would like to thank the following businesses for their donations in previous years
- Hawthorn Football Club
- Inner B
- Rabbit Hole Organic Tea
- Kim Foale Ceramics
- Philip Kuruvita Photography
- Australia Post (George Town)
- The Gunn Deck Cafe
- Main Street Meats and Veggies
If you wish to make a monetary donation you can do so here. Donations over $2 are tax deductable
Learn more about OCA and Afternoon Teal at the Ovarian Cancer Australia website
* source: http://www.cancer.org.au/about-cancer/types-of-cancer/ovarian-cancer.html
` source: http://canceraustralia.gov.au/affected-cancer/cancer-types/breast-cancer/breast-cancer-statistics
Please consider pledging your support to the OCA 25/25 vision
Images from our events can be seen here