Let’s get blogging

It’s that time of year again – the biannual blogathon bash.

Biannual Blogathon Bash

This year I am keeping my list pretty short

  • work on my YIAH blog
  • clean up my inbox
  • check out the blogathon challenges
  • schedule some educational time in my planner (I’m currently enrolled in 3 courses over at udemy)

Are you joining in? If so Hi *waves*. If not, check out this post about why you think you may not be able to join in. 🙂

Time for some bloggy housekeeping

Yup, it’s time for the Biannual Blogathon Bash again. I’m planning on a smaller list this time around as Miss K has soccer tomorrow & Miss A has been pretty unsettled the last week (4 teeth last weekend!) and wanting her mum all the time. Just realised I’ve been taking part in this since 2013.

So here is my June 2015 list…

  • take part in at least 1 Twitter party
  • do a couple of the mini challenges
  • tidy my blog emails
  • get reviews written & up
  • write and schedule some posts
  • check old posts for broken links & missing images

Mini challenges (will add as we go along)

  • Instagram prompts (1,2,3,4,5)

Binannual Blogathon Bash

Biannual Blogathon Bash

It’s nearly time for the Biannual Blogathon Bash again. It starts next Friday! This will be my fourth (or fifth?) time taking part and it’s a great way to get some blogging tasks you’ve been putting of done and learn some new things through the mini challenges.

You can read about what I’ve done in previous blogathons by checking out my posts.

What is the blogathon?

It’s a FREE online event held twice a year (January and June) giving bloggers a chance to “work on all their blogging to-dos and learn more about different aspects of blogging at the same time as many other bloggers. Basically a blogathon=blogging+marathon. Most participants dedicate a large chunk of time during the weekend event to work on their blogs but you can join in even if you can’t dedicate that much time.”

The blogathon is open to all bloggers – new/experienced, solo/group, for profit/not for profit, business bloggers, personal bloggers, those who have one blog, those who have multiple blogs, bloggers of ALL niches.

Sound interesting? Sign up here then join the Facebook group (make sure you have some mention of your blog in your facebook profile or PM Kathleen Garber letting her know you have requested to join the group and where you blog.

I’d love to see some more Aussies join up. Let me know if you do so I can come check out your blog/cheer you along during the blogathon 😀

Biannual Blogathon Bash

It’s that time again – the Biannual Blogathon Bash. I love doing these as I (usually) get heaps done over the blogathon weekend. You can read all about the blogathon here and check out all my previous blogathon posts.

Biannual Blogathon Bash JanuarySo this is my kick off post for the January blogathon.

My list of what I want to get done over the weekend (yay it’s a long weekend here)

  1. Take part in the Instagram list (my photos – 1,2,3,4,5)
  2. Network over at the blogathon Facebook group
  3. Clean out my inboxes – delete, respond or file as needed
  4. Print blog planner & get in my planner
  5. Do a couple of blogathon mini challenges
  6. Check post SEO
  7. Make sure all images & links are there and working

Keeping the list smaller this year. 🙂

Oh and hello to anyone who is new to the blog via the blogothon 😀 Leave us a comment so I can say hi

It’s a bloggy weekend

Well, here we are again the Biannual Blogathon. Can you believe the last one was January? Where has that 6 months gone?

Biannual Blogathon Bash

What is the Biannual Blogathon?

You know all those items on your Blogging To Do list? Those things you’ve been meaning to get to but haven’t had a chance? Now’s your chance to get a large amount of them done!

I will be hosting two blogathons a year, one in the winter and one in the summer. They will be held in January and June. The event will take place on a weekend and will run for 72 hours. 8am Friday to 8am Monday EST.

The next one is June 20-23,2014 – sign ups open May 9

Read more here

This time around I’ll be working on a to do list here and over at From the Wolf’s Den. Some of the items may be the same on both lists others may be different.

My to-do list for Nightwolf’s Den

  • remove old blog now I’m fully moved over to this one
  • check old posts for broken links & missing images
  • update media kit
  • work on review (which I did have scheduled for last week)
  • work through some of the Blogathon mini challenges
    • Photo challenge
    • Setting up a newsletter
    • must do blog tasks
    • StumbleUpon 101 (June 2013 mini challenge)
    • Writing a series or theme (June 2013) – planning something for 2015
    • Food photography (Jan 2013 mini challenge)
    • Making recipes printable (June 2012)

My to-do list for From the Wolf’s Den

  • check old posts for broken links & missing images
  • write up some posts and schedule them
  • work through some of the Blogathon mini challenges
    • must do blog tasks
    • work on categories (Jan 2014 mini challenge)
    • StumbleUpon 101 (June 2013 mini challenge)
    • Writing a series or theme (June 2013)

Not sure what else I’ll get up to but we’ll see.