How are you going?

Me? Well it’s interesting. Schooling the kids from has been ok. First week was great, full of enthusiasm. Second week, not so much. School holidays have descended into chaos HAHAHA
We ‘go back’ to Term 2 at the end of the month. The kids will be learning online. Can’t wait to see how it goes.

Mentally. Coping. Just. Missing mum terribly but so glad she’s not trying to survive through this. Just wish she was here so I could talk things through with her or just give her a hug.

I’m trying to keep myself busy. Crafting. Baking. Working from home. Hanging out with crafters and planners virtually. Playing D&D online with our friends who live in the same town. Man that is really strange.
Sleeping in. Playing with our 3 kitties (we’ve adopted 2 of our fosters) and our current foster. Enjoying the days of sunshine. Loving the colder days and curling up like a cat in front of the fire.

Meet Logan & Luna. Our new fur babies. Cola hates them. Actually Cola hates all the fosters so far. She’s old so I’ll forgive her. She just sleeps most of the day now and hides from the kittens.


How are you all going? Coping with lockdown/isolation? What are you doing to stay sane/entertained?

Much love to you all xx