Happy New Year!
Well here we are in 2018. My 40th year on this planet. Wait, when did that happen?! Anywho, on to this year’s list. Lots from last year and lots from my 101 list too
(bold is started, strike thru is finished & red isn’t done )
- Celebrate my 40th birthday!!
- Do #30Lists (March, September, December)
- Get a new tattoo
- Buy the new Linkin Park album (One More Light Live)
- Buy myself a Linkin Park t-shirt
- Personal email inbox to zero
- Do my nails at least once a month
- Afternoon Teal
- Buy myself some new bathers
- Buy some new jeans
- Buy some jumpers for winter
- Do the 100 Day Project
- Work through the Book of Me at Awesome Ladies
- Do the 100 day happy project
- Finish JYC 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 – blog post about this coming soon
- Scrapbook with mum more
- Finish wedding scrapbook
- Organise all my paper scrapbook supplies
- Scrapbook with others more
- Project Life date at least once a week – PUT IN PLANNER!
- Create a scrapping binder
- Complete a 365 day photo challenge
- Get K’s PL album complete up to the end of 2017
- Get A’s PL album complete up to the end of 2017
- Create a mini Goddess altar
- Celebrate the solstices
- Read at least 3 books with a spiritual focus
- Meditate more
- Buy a set of oracle cards
- Create a spiritual journal
- Investigate essential oil companies and buy some new oils
- Keep a gratitude journal
- Read the cards once a month
- Work with the moon more
- Blog a new recipe each month
- Try something I’ve pinned and blog the results
- Monthly blog back up
- Blog everyday for 1 month (not for #30Lists)
- New design for Nightwolf Scraps
- New design for Nightwolf’s Den
- Make ten recipes off of Pinterest.
- Throw a dinner party
- Dentist for me.
- Organise Pinterest boards better
- Buy a new camera lens
- Sort bookmarks (& delete duplicates or broken links)
- Sort & cull movie folder
- Sort and cull TV folder
- Set up the Xbox & use it
- Sort photos
- Sort and cull double ups on music drive
- Sort EHDs and make sure there’s no duplicates
- Work emails to zero each week
- Finally get gazebo up
- Finish laundry reno
- New laundry storage (cupboard)
- Organise garage & office
- Redo my herb garden
- Get floors polished
- Create a quilt from the kids’ old clothes
- create a blanket from our old Hawks scarves
- Create a blanket of our old band/tv show t-shirts
- create a recipe book
- Write a letter to Miss K to open on her 18th
- Write a letter to Miss A to open on her 18th
- Update wills
- Work on family tree
- Create a family binder and get some routines happening
- Anzac Day service
- Have a family movie night (complete with popcorn & choc tops)
- See more of Tassie
- Visit QVMAG
- Write in family journals more often
- Get a massage
- Get to bed 10:30 on weeknights
- Cook more with the thermomix
Renew Thermofun membership for 2018- Make beef jerky
- Create less waste – recycle more
- Learn a new recipe each month
- Go berry picking
- Go to the Harvest market more
- aim for a weekly walk
- Learn brush lettering on the ipad
- Take an art journal class
- Learn to French braid
- finish Holly McCaig course
- finish Determined to Shine course
- Take 3 courses at DailyOM
- take a cooking class
- take a cake decorating class
- read the entire Chronicles of Narnia series
- Read for thirty minutes every night for one month.
- Have my parents over for dinner
- Have in laws over for dinner
- Watch a documentary every month (0/12)
- Christmas club savings
- Have a board games night
- Visit the tessellated pavement
- Take the kids to Tazmazia