Start date: 8th August 2011 End date: 4th May, 2014
LegendCompleted In Progress Not started
For meClean my teeth every morning & night for a whole month (0/30)
Sell 101 things I don’t use anymore (0/101)
Donate or throw away 101 things I don’t use but can’t sell (50/101)
Finally organise our MP3 collection
Go to High teaComplete P365 (not give up in July or August) – Doing Fat Mum Slim’s Photo-A-Day. See mine.Get to bed before midnight for one week (0/7)
Watch 20 movies in our new movie folder (18/20)Finish watching the Harry Potter movies (8/8)Create a playlist of my favourite 101 songs Part 1 & Part 2
Get another tattoo – designs chosenCreate a birthday book so I remember birthdays
Watch sunrise & sunset in the same day
Write a letter to myself to open in 10 yearsWrite all my bad memories on paper, burn this paper afterwardsSpend a rainy day watching films in my PJ’s
Take a pole dancing class
Take a burlesque class
Get my driver’s license
Keep a gratitude journal every day for a month (0/30)
Learn to screen print
Create at least 101 scrapbook pages (4/101)
Take an art journal class
Create an inspiration board
Work through all 90 days of Habit Hacker’s Create (0/90)
Make a list of 100 things that make me happyAttend a live concert The Wolfe Brothers, Lee Kernaghan
Learn to use my camera off auto mode
Have a SM free day once a month
Finish our wedding scrapbook
Complete Miss K’s first scrapbook
Exercise every day for a month (0/30)
Spend less time onlineJoin the Goddess Circle
Create a book of advice for Miss K
Make a list of 25 things that I like about myself and stick it to my mirror
Have a facialHave a massageCut down on the amount of coke I drink no Coke since December 2013Drink at least 2 glasses of water a day for 1 week (7/7)When I do that, try for a month (30/30)
Make a list of 30 books I want to read
Read those books (0/30)Buy a hair straightener
Organise all my paper scrapbook supplies
Organise & cull my digital scrapbook supplies
Organise a day with Mum once a month
Go swimming more during summer
Only buy scrapbooking stuff I need not just because I want it for 3 months
Use up some of the scrapbooking stuff I haveNot buy any scrapbooking stuff for 1 month
For my family
Get my will written
Make all Christmas presents for one Christmas
Buy hubby his first tattoo I have a plan 😉
Send/give birthday cards/email to family & friendsHave a family photo of me, Miss K & hubby done
Get a family photo of me, mum, dad & bro done
Have a dirty weekend away with hubby
Put $5 a pay into savings account (running tally – $80)
Put $5 a pay into Miss K’s account (running tally – $585)
Write a letter to Miss K to open on her 18th
Go on a picnic
Have dinner by candlelight
Make a custom recipe book – have done 2 – our family favourites & favourite Thermomix recipes
Bake my own bread
Learn to make sourdough bread
Have one TV free day a month
Have a family movie night (complete with popcorn & choc tops)
Make a slow cooker meal once a week
Spend a day at the beach
Go for a drive somewhere for no reason other than getting out
Have my parents over for tea once a month
Have in laws over for tea once a month
For the housePlant the rose bush we bought for Miss K (sadly it’s died so need to buy another one)
Get the front yard landscapedGet fernery done
Get bathroom renovated
Finish off the kitchen (1 curtain to go)
Paint the lounge & dining room
Get the laundry done (laminate to go)
Find a personally inspirational quote and work it into a piece of art or home décor
Work through all 90 days of Habit Hacker’s Nest (0/90)
Get a shed
Set up the vegie garden
Grow our own vegiesClean out the garage (need to do this again – looks like a bomb hit it atm)
Organise the garage & office
Bloggy stuffBlog every day for one month – not during NaBloPoMo (30/30) #30Lists March 2014
Learn a new recipe each month. Blog about it.
Do NaBloPoMo (& make sure my posts r meaningful)
Go to a blogger meet up in Tassie
Go to a blogger meet up interstate – ProBlogger event maybe?Go to the Digital Parents thing (ticket is booked)Double my FB likers (you can ‘like’ me here) – currently 122 (get it to 120)
Double my Twitter followers (follow me here) – currently 625 (get to 1000)Buy my own domain
Meet 5 of my blog/twitter buddies/people I *heart* (met Eden, Kelley, Kellie, Kim)
For work
Work out a decent filing system & stick to it
Keep up to date with work accounts
Get BAS in on timeBuy an iPad