Joining in with Thursday Three and the prompt this week is..
hmmm so many things, how to pick just 3 LOL
* Cleaning is a big one in this house. Most days I just cannot be bothered. The 2yo & hubby will just mess it up again so why bother. Which in turn leads to a mad dash cleanup if we’re having company *sigh* my bedroom currently looks like a Chinese laundry. On the upside, this afternoon I did get a slight cleaning urge & have done the kitchen & lounge. It’s a start.
* Project Life. It means sorting & organising my huge pile of scrap stuff. And cleaning off the dining room table. I could just plan some more pages on my laptop, or sort my photos, or search Pinterest for inspiration. AND there goes a couple of hours
* blogging. I have a few posts sitting half written. I need to finish them. Expect a few posts next week 😉
Jump on over to Life as we know it & share what you’re procrastinating about….. or procrastinate about it til next Wednesday before the new topic goes up 😉