Currently #9


WEATHER: raining and windy. That above is the rain radar for today

EATING:   homemade beef pies and hopefully some homemade slices shortly

DRINKING : Hot chocolate or coke

LOVING :  the weather for the past few days – glorious winter sunshine

READING : uni notes

ANTICIPATING : the next GoT episode

LISTENING TO : MUSIC :  a bit of everything  PODCAST :  Pocket Talk, Simple Scrapper member podcast

WATCHING : AFL, what ever is on TV, GoT

PLANNING : blog posts, uni assignments, organising my scrap stuff

LOOKING FORWARD TO : the rain stopping (even though we need it)

CREATING : Awesome Ladies Project layouts,  Project Life

NEED TO FINISH : Miss K’s & Miss A’s 2015 PL albums – just the journaling to go

WISHING : the rain would stop so I can hang washing outside 

MAIN GOAL : get 2015 PL done and in albums

What are you “CURRENTLY” doing?

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