End of year list check in

Seriously – November? How can that be the last time I blogged. Oh dear.

Another year end and the final check in for my List of 100 Things for 2017.

(bold is started, strike thru is finished & red isn’t done )

  1. Organise Pinterest boards better
  2. Blog a new recipe each month
  3. Try something I’ve pinned and blog the results
  4. Monthly blog back up
  5. Blog everyday for 1 month (not for #30Lists)
  6. Do #30Lists (March, September, December)
  7. Cull facebook groups that don’t bring me joy
  8. New design for Nightwolf Scraps
  9. New design for Nightwolf’s Den
  10. Sort bookmarks (not really blog or SM related but oh well)
  11. Work out what vegies to plant and then plant them
  12. Start a Garden Journal.
  13. Finally get gazebo up but it is happening in 2018, things are being organised
  14. Do Declutter 365 (fell off the wagon about August)
  15. Finish laundry reno
  16. New laundry storage (cupboard)
  17. Organise garage & office
  18. Get solar panels
  19. Redo my herb garden
  20. Get floors polished
  21. Have my parents over for dinner
  22. Have in-laws over for dinner
  23. Get an updated family photo
  24. Write a letter to Miss K to open on her 18th
  25. Write a letter to Miss A to open on her 18th
  26. Sort & cull movie folder
  27. Update wills
  28. Sort and cull TV folder
  29. Work on family tree
  30. Create a family binder and get some routines happening
  31. Watch a documentary every month
  32. Anzac Day dawn service (marking this as done even though it was the 11am service because both kids were involved)
  33. Have a family movie night (complete with popcorn & choc tops)
  34. See more of Tassie
  35. Spend a day at the beach
  36. Visit QVMAG marking tis as done – even though it was the museum in Hobart
  37. Set up the Xbox & use it
  38. Sort photos
  39. Go on a picnic
  40. Sort and cull double ups on music drive
  41. Get BAS in on time
  42. Keep work accounts up to date
  43. Work through the Business Goddess e-course
  44. Upgrade RAM & Hard drives in laptops
  45. Sort EHDs and make sure there’s no duplicates
  46. Work on better backups of important files
  47. Do the Raise your rates mini workshop
  48. Christmas club savings
  49. Work emails to zero each week
  50. Pay extra into super
  51. Finish JYC 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
  52. Scrapbook with mum more
  53. Finish wedding scrapbook
  54. Organise all my paper scrapbook supplies
  55. Scrapbook with others more
  56. Backup digital Project Life supplies
  57. Project Life date at least once a week – PUT IN PLANNER!
  58. Do some more classes & make sure I finish them
  59. Create a scrapping binder
  60. Organise craft group days
  61. Create a mini Goddess altar
  62. Re-join the shining life & biz academy when renewal due. Decided against this sadly as there is no more payment plan.
  63. Work through (& complete) Creating your Goddess Haven e-course
  64. Celebrate the solstices
  65. Read at least 3 books with a spiritual focus
  66. Do the Creative goddess course
  67. Meditate more – find a good app
  68. Buy a set of oracle cards
  69. Create a spiritual journal
  70. Investigate essential oil companies and buy some new oils
  71. Write a letter to myself to open on my 40th
  72. Keep a gratitude journal
  73. Get a massage
  74. Make a list of 30 books I want to read & then read those books (6/30)
  75. Personal email inbox to zero
  76. Get to bed earlier – have been trying to get to bed by 10:30 each night
  77. Drink more water
  78. Learn to crochet
  79. Learn brush lettering on the ipad
  80. Do my nails at least once a month
  81. Cook more with the thermomix
  82. Renew Thermofun membership
  83. Make beef jerky
  84. Create less waste – recycle more even got a worm farm and a new compost bin!
  85. Learn a new recipe each month
  86. Create and more YIAH recipes
  87. Learn to make different types of bread
  88. Go berry picking
  89. Go to the Harvest market more
  90. Use more whole foods
  91. Do something different for Afternoon Teal
  92. Do Frocktober or something for Frocktober
  93. Write in family journals more often
  94. Make time to do something with others
  95. Star Wars
  96. Have a board games night
  97. Buy Cards Against Humanity
  98. Play Cards Against Humanity
  99. Visit the tessellated pavement
  100. Take the kids to Tazmazia but on the books for the summer holidays

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