#IBSD14 – snowingindoors – Not a Perfect Parent

Hi, I’m Em from snowingindoors.com and I’m a family photoblogger from the UK. I’m guest posting for the lovely Caroline today as part of International Blog Swap Day. If you head over to snowingindoors you can read Caroline’s post that she’s shared with me all about the plight of the Tasmanian Devil.

Today I want to share a typical blog post, including my 2 crazy kiddos and some photos, hope you enjoy the read.

It feels like the world is full of perfect parents. Pinterest assures me that every other Mum spends hours crafting beautiful bento style lunches for their children. These same parents also create amazing themed bedrooms for their offspring, dress them in the cutest outfits, never shout, can bake anything, have immaculate homes and can throw a perfectly realised dream birthday party at the drop of a hat.

I am not a perfect Mum, hell, some days I’d be happy just to be classed as adequate!

I can be short tempered, hate messy play, often forget to make Annie’s lunch the night before school so she has to make do with a ‘throw it in the lunch bag and hope for the best’ lunch and am a useless cook. The kid’s bedrooms don’t have a theme, Annie’s birthday cake was a store bought one with a plastic princess toy iced onto the top and there are days when I close the door to the kids rooms to hide the mess, if I can’t see it I don’t have to tidy it up, right?!

I forgot Annie had sports club last term and arrived an hour early to pick her up, confusing the both of us! I tried trimming Ezra’s fringe (he had beautiful surfer style hair) and did such a hack job I ended up having to shave his whole head. I forget birthdays, umbrellas on rainy walks home, names and where we got up to in the bedtime story.

I kill any houseplant I’m entrusted with, forget to water plants in the garden, I don’t sew, have no artistic skills, can’t carry a tune and have a horrible habit of saying, good girl’ to Ezra and, ‘good boy’ to Annie!

Somehow despite all this both kids have not only survived, but seem to have thrived. Annie is halfway through her first year at school and can read better than kids in the year above her, Ezra is happy and uber chilled out, they both have a keen sense of humour, have great taste in movies, are polite, well behaved, seriously cute (go ahead, call me biased) and oddly enough think I’m fab – poor deluded buggers!

I have made mistakes in the way I parent them, and will continue to do so, but it’s wonderful to see that despite this I haven’t broken them.


If you’ve enjoyed reading this please feel free to search me out on other social media channels, itโ€™d be fab to see you there ๐Ÿ™‚

snowingindoors photoblog

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