The Life:Captured Project–February 2015

Check out all my Life:Captured project posts.

01   Write down your fondest memories to do with a childhood pet.
Having one or both of our cats cuddle up with me of a nighttime.
02    What has been your most poignant experience with loss?
The loss of my (then) boyfriend the day after his 18th birthday
03    Describe your first overseas trip and how you felt.
We went to New Zealand for a rellie’s wedding. Had an amazing time and loved every minute.
04    Write down five things about your father that you always want to remember.
His love of gardening. How he’s a walking encyclopedia. That he loves me & my brother no matter what. How I always thought he could anything (even a burst balloon when I was little). He has an awesome memory.
05    How are you feeling about this year?
So far so good.
06    Where do you want to live when you are old?
By the beach or in the rainforest.
07    What are the qualities that you value in a friend?
Honesty. The ability to have fun.
08    What do you remember about falling in love for the first time?
The butterflies. Feeling so happy.
09    What were you scared of when you were little?
Dinosaurs and motorbikes.
10    What do you usually do when you feel sad or down?
Listen to music.
11   Describe your childhood home(s).
Weatherboard 3 bedroom home. Huge backyard. Fruit trees. Tree house in an old Eucalypt then a pool. Extended to include large family room and verandah out the back.
12    How do you currently like your coffee?
I don’t. Sadly I can’t drink coffee anymore due to the medication I’m on (well not on at the moment due to the whole being pregnant then now breastfeeding thing)
13    What is something that you like to do to relax?
Read, listen to music, scrapbook.
14   What do you most look forward to about growing old?
More me time hopefully. Traveling more.
15    How has life changed for you in the last year?
We’ve gone from a family of 3 to a family of four.
16    Describe a moment from today that you want to remember always.
Miss K’s 5th birthday. Cupcakes taken to school. Party food with her grandparents.
17    What are you struggling with the most right now?
Teething 6 month old and summer colds that won’t go away. Not having much me time.
18    What do you see outside your bedroom window?
Our driveway and a bare garden. Just had our front yard redone. Need to get plants. Waiting on grass to grow.
19   What is something that frustrates you?
Hubby getting to go out with his mates while I stay home, look after the girls & do the majority of the housework. Hubby not pulling his weight around home.
20    What is family life like right now?
Pretty good apart from the above 😉
21    Describe a time when you felt like life was spinning out of control.
When mum was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer.
22    What’s something that you’re currently excited about?
New Game of Thrones & the next Star Wars movie
23    What made you laugh today?
Chatting to the other kindy mums about random stuff our kids do.
24   What are you watching on television these days?
Supernatural, Star Wars Rebels, Sleepy Hollow, Agent Carter, Gotham
25    What are three things from this past month that have been surprising?
Miss A getting her first tooth. How well Miss K has settled into school. Random gifts.
26    What are three things from this past month that you’re thankful for?
Mum’s continuing good health. Good friends. The internet
27    How are you feeling today?
Tired. It’s been a long couple of weeks.
28    What is your favourite thing about Friday nights right now?
Having some me time while hubby is out & the girls are in bed. Even if me time is spent doing nothing but watching trashy tv & doing washing.

The Life:Captured Project – January 2015

Check out all my Life:Captured project posts.

01 Describe three moments from the holidays that you wish to remember.
1. Miss A’s first Christmas day
2. My first driving lesson in 20 years – yes I got my L plates again. I was 16 last time I drove!
3. Spending time with family & friends

02 What’s one thing that you hope to achieve or accomplish this year?
I really want to do a major declutter and make our house a bit more organised and easier to look after. Maybe even blog about it.

03 What is your family’s Christmas story? (Your traditions, your rituals, etc.)
No real traditions as such. Except breakfast. Every year it’s breakfast with my parents & my brother. Stockings from Santa. Exchanging presents. Croissants, ham, pineapple, cheese, fresh fruit.

04 Describe your bedtime ritual.
Check my email. Go to the loo. Make sure everything is switched off. Jump into bed. Journal. Check a few things on the net. Listen to ABC Nightlife (Monday to Friday)

05 What are three things that bring you joy in life?
1. My family
2. My friends
3. Scrapbooking

06 What was the last movie you watched, and did you like it?
Big Hero 6. Was pretty good for a kids movie

07 Is there any hurt or pain lingering in your heart right now?
No. All good at the moment.

08 What song(s) or tune(s) do you find yourself singing unconsciously?
Let it go from Frozen, namely cause we have the soundtrack on repeat 😐

09 What do you miss the most about being young(er)?
Having lots of freedom & not having to worry about grown up stuff

10 What’s a good book that you’ve read recently.
I haven’t read a book for ages. I have a small pile to read though.

11 Describe a moment from today that you want to remember always.
Spending time with my parents and going through some old stuff. Finding my Grandmother’s Glomesh bag from the 60’s.

12 Who was the last person to make you laugh? What did they do or say?
Miss A and I were playing then she got the giggles and then I got the giggles

13 Describe one recent dream that you’ve had.
I struggle to remember my dreams

14 Have you ever felt trapped or suffocated?
When I was with my ex. Not really something I want to go into

15 What is your favourite meal to cook, and why?
Anything! Seriously. I love cooking.

16 When does your family usually take down holiday decorations? Who does it?
We usually take down the tree at the end of the year. In 2014 it came down a few days after Christmas. I do it namely cause it’s much quicker than getting help.

17 What happened today at 10am?
We had a quiet morning.

18 Where were you born? Have you been back there since?
Devonport. Yes,

19 Write down five thing about your mother that you are most grateful for.
We get along really well, she’s always there when I need her

20 What’s your relationship like with with your siblings?
Much better now. We had a typical love/hate relationship growing up.

21 How do you feel about the dark?
Love it. It’s calming. I’m such a night owl 😉

22 When you were little, where was your favourite place to hide?
In my cupboard or under the bed or under the doona

23 What is your current go-to outfit, and why?
Jeans or 3/4 pants & shirts. Cause it’s summer & I’m still feeding my 6mo.

24 Describe what dinnertimes were like when you were little?
We’d sit at the table and chat.

25 Is there something that you’d like to change about your life right now?
More crafting time. A bit more money

26 How do you usually respond to conflict and confrontation?
Try & walk away. Ignore it.

27 Who are the people you spend the most time with these days?
Hubby, the girls, my mum

28 How are you feeling today?
Pretty good. Turned 37. Had an awesome meal with my parents.

29 What are three things from this past month that have been hard?

  1. the crappy weather & resulting colds
  2. sleep issues with little people
  3. waiting for things

30 What are three things from this past month that you’re happy about?

  1. getting my Kikki K planner
  2. swimming
  3. spending time with family

31 What is your favourite thing about weekends right now?
Getting some scrapping time with my mum or by myself while hubby is out

The LIFE:CAPTURED Project–December 2014

Read more about Life:Captured here.
Catch up with my previous Life:Captured posts

28 Who are the most precious people in your life right now?

My family

29 How did you feel when you looked in the mirror today?

Much better than I have

30 How are you planning to spend New Year’s Eve?

A quiet night at home with hubby. Watching TV, filling in my 2015 Lifebook and scrapbooking.

31 What are you most looking forward to in the new year?

  • Miss K starting school
  • Starting Braehead Crafts properly
  • planning Miss K’s birthday party
  • Miss A’s 1st birthday

The LIFE:CAPTURED Project–December 2014

Read more about Life:Captured here.

21.What feelings does twilight arouse in you?

I’m really not sure. It signals the time that the kids are in bed and hubby & I get to spend some quiet time together, either doing something together or doing our own thing.

22 Write about someone you miss during this time of the year.

My cousin & my grandparents who have passed away.

23 Is there a gift you are hoping to receive this year? What is it and why do you want it?

Kind of cheating with this one – I’m getting a Silhouette Cameo. Actually I already have it. Looking forward to using it for Christmas, my JYC album & my Project Life albums.

24 Write about three things that you are thankful for right now.

  1. my mum
  2. my family
  3. my friends

25 What does Christmas mean to you?

Spending time with loved ones. Eating lots of yummy food. Usually gorgeous weather. Pressies area bonus.

26 Write down five things that you want to remember about Christmas day.

  1. Miss A not really being interested in much
  2. A Frozen Christmas for Miss K
  3. how enjoyable a quiet Christmas can be
  4. driving up to mum & dad’s and the look on dad’s face (I got my L’s again)
  5. how much I hate hayfever 🙁

27 How are you feeling today?

Tired and sick. Hayfever and a headache

The LIFE:CAPTURED Project–December 2014

Read more about Life:Captured here.

16 What was your comfort food growing up?
Most likely chocolate. Always my go to food when I feel down. Even if I feel down and I make myself a mug of icing (what? don’t judge :p) it’s got to be chocolate.

17 Who was your best friend in primary school? Describe him or her.
Pip. She lived around the corner and we were friends from when we were really small. We’ve drifted apart over the years as we went to different high schools. Our parents still keep in touch and share how we are both doing.

18 Have you ever experienced kindness from a stranger?
A guy I met in town one night leant me his jacket on a Friday night. I’d never met him before but he still gave it to me because I was cold. We met up again the next night & I returned his jacket.

19 When was the last time you encountered unexpected beauty?
At the birth of both my daughters.

20 Describe someone whom you’ve lost in your life and the sadness that you feel.
My cousin lost his life way too young in an accident. I really miss hanging out with him when he used to visit and smile when I remember the last time all the cousins went out for a night on the town together. Was a great night out (except for my ex being a grump). Sadly, this was the last time I saw him 🙁

The LIFE:CAPTURED Project–December 2014

Read more about Life:Captured here.

2. Which is your favourite chair in the house and why?

My new recliner. Super comfy to curl up in or stretch out.

3. What is the first thing you do in the morning?

Usually check my phone – weather, Instagram, Facebook, then my calendar to check what is on for the day; give my youngest daughter a cuddle & put on my glasses

4. What is the last thing you do at night?

Check my phone – what’s on for tomorrow then journal.

5. What can you see outside your kitchen window?


Our messy backyard. It’s a work in progress. The crappy bomb of a Barina which I wish would go, I hate the thing, takes up room that could be better used. Fruit trees covered in small fruit. 2 weed covered vegie gardens. A clothesline full of clothes. A swing set. A cubby house. A sand pit. The top of the cat run.

6. Name a song that triggers emotions from the past and describe those emotions.

Tusk by Fleetwood Mac. Reminds me of a tough time I was going through and of a friend who helped me thru it & our shared love of Fleetwood Mac

7. What do you feel guilty about right now?

Not getting enough sleep & being a bit too grumpy.

8 What happened today at 6pm?

We were eating tea & watching the news.

9 What’s something that you read today that made an impression on you?

This. Hell anything by Eden. So much so hard. Amazing woman. Met her at DPCon a few years back and was a bit in awe. Managed to grab a pic with her. Felt a bit weird LOL but she is so cool.

10 When was the last time you cried, and why?

Hmmm, the other night watching crappy videos online. Really cried, a few months back before Miss A was born. Blaming hormones for that & a touch of depression

11 What do you look forward to the most on a Friday evening?

Kids being in bed, hubby out at a mates. Crafting time for Mum complete with crappy food (lately it’s been chocolate icing), a hot drink and what ever crap is on TV

12 Are you looking forward to Christmas? Why or why not?


Yup mainly for Miss K, she is so super excited. Also Miss A’s first Christmas

13 How do you feel about the holiday season?

Love the warmer weather, the yummy food, and spending quality time with family & friends. The commercialism – not so much. I hate having to buy gifts and would rather handmade but not everyone agrees. Hate being asked what I want cause I don’t really need anymore crap (unless it’s scrapbook related lol)

14 Do you remember a time when you felt lonely? Can you describe it?

When I was with my ex cause no one wanted to invite him places therefore I missed out. Felt sad, alone & unwanted.

15 What do you and your family like to do on a Saturday morning?

Sleep in, spend lazy mornings in bed just chatting. Slow breakfasts. Sometimes going to the market.

The LIFE:CAPTURED Project–December 2014

I’m not going to bother describing this because it is described so well here and here.
I’m taking part and blogging my answers. So here we go – Life:Captured December 2014

1. Describe a moment from today that you want to remember always.

This happened today.


Miss K has found something on YouTube apart from the ten thousand or so different versions of “Let It Go” or stuff to do with Play Doh or volcanos or funny cat videos. Namely Taylor Swift’s Shake it off on loop. And All about the bass. Which is kinda cool cause I really like both those songs.
This evening she disappeared up to her bedroom and came back out with her iPad and said she had a dance for us. So I videoed it on my phone, as you do when your a mum 😉

Love that she has a love of music and she’s not afraid to dance and have some fun