Christmas 2013 – pt 5

Day 21
Christmas task: Stock stuffer organisation is underway. Well for 2 people in the house. nothing for mine yet 😉
Household task: I’d created a cleaning kit when I did the 20 days organisation challenge earlier this  year so have just topped it back up.

Day 22
Christmas task: Christmas cards mailed.
Household task: Cleaned our dishwasher. All sparkly clean again.

Day 23
Christmas task: Started planning our Christmas baking. I’m making lots of homemade foodie gifts again this year.
Household task: Cleaned our oven. It was YUCK!

Day 24
Christmas task: Did some freezer friendly baking and stocked the freezer again. Also tried out a new gingerbread recipe in the Thermomix. Added it to our list of stuff to make for presents.
Household task: We got stuck into cleaning the kitchen. Gotta love working in a clean kitchen.

Day 25
Christmas task: Have wrapped the majority of out presents.
Household task: Have made my weekend task to clean our bedroom. Started today (Friday) by stripping our bed and washing the sheets, rotated our mattress, put away our clean clothes (yay have an empty clothes basket again), pulled out summer clothes from storage, decided they needed a wash then put clean sheets on the bed. Over the weekend will wash summer clothes to freshen it up, clean up scrapbooking stuff and get the last of the Christmas stuff out.

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