The Life:Captured Project–February 2015

Check out all my Life:Captured project posts.

01   Write down your fondest memories to do with a childhood pet.
Having one or both of our cats cuddle up with me of a nighttime.
02    What has been your most poignant experience with loss?
The loss of my (then) boyfriend the day after his 18th birthday
03    Describe your first overseas trip and how you felt.
We went to New Zealand for a rellie’s wedding. Had an amazing time and loved every minute.
04    Write down five things about your father that you always want to remember.
His love of gardening. How he’s a walking encyclopedia. That he loves me & my brother no matter what. How I always thought he could anything (even a burst balloon when I was little). He has an awesome memory.
05    How are you feeling about this year?
So far so good.
06    Where do you want to live when you are old?
By the beach or in the rainforest.
07    What are the qualities that you value in a friend?
Honesty. The ability to have fun.
08    What do you remember about falling in love for the first time?
The butterflies. Feeling so happy.
09    What were you scared of when you were little?
Dinosaurs and motorbikes.
10    What do you usually do when you feel sad or down?
Listen to music.
11   Describe your childhood home(s).
Weatherboard 3 bedroom home. Huge backyard. Fruit trees. Tree house in an old Eucalypt then a pool. Extended to include large family room and verandah out the back.
12    How do you currently like your coffee?
I don’t. Sadly I can’t drink coffee anymore due to the medication I’m on (well not on at the moment due to the whole being pregnant then now breastfeeding thing)
13    What is something that you like to do to relax?
Read, listen to music, scrapbook.
14   What do you most look forward to about growing old?
More me time hopefully. Traveling more.
15    How has life changed for you in the last year?
We’ve gone from a family of 3 to a family of four.
16    Describe a moment from today that you want to remember always.
Miss K’s 5th birthday. Cupcakes taken to school. Party food with her grandparents.
17    What are you struggling with the most right now?
Teething 6 month old and summer colds that won’t go away. Not having much me time.
18    What do you see outside your bedroom window?
Our driveway and a bare garden. Just had our front yard redone. Need to get plants. Waiting on grass to grow.
19   What is something that frustrates you?
Hubby getting to go out with his mates while I stay home, look after the girls & do the majority of the housework. Hubby not pulling his weight around home.
20    What is family life like right now?
Pretty good apart from the above 😉
21    Describe a time when you felt like life was spinning out of control.
When mum was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer.
22    What’s something that you’re currently excited about?
New Game of Thrones & the next Star Wars movie
23    What made you laugh today?
Chatting to the other kindy mums about random stuff our kids do.
24   What are you watching on television these days?
Supernatural, Star Wars Rebels, Sleepy Hollow, Agent Carter, Gotham
25    What are three things from this past month that have been surprising?
Miss A getting her first tooth. How well Miss K has settled into school. Random gifts.
26    What are three things from this past month that you’re thankful for?
Mum’s continuing good health. Good friends. The internet
27    How are you feeling today?
Tired. It’s been a long couple of weeks.
28    What is your favourite thing about Friday nights right now?
Having some me time while hubby is out & the girls are in bed. Even if me time is spent doing nothing but watching trashy tv & doing washing.

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