August 09 Round Up

What books and/or magazines did I read this month? Another book in the Sookie Stackhouse series (the basis of True Blood) and What to expect when you’re expecting.

What movies, television shows, plays, etc. did I watch this month? NCIS, plenty of AFL,  Law & Order

What fun things did I do with my family and/or friends? Moved our bedroom around (yup that bout the most exciting thing that happened this month

What gifts did I give and/or receive? A new doona cover, some baby clothes

What special or unusual purchases did I make?  some scrapping goodies. a clothes dryer

What illnesses or health concerns did I have? a runny nose.

What were my accomplishments this month? Moving the bedroom around. getting hubby to agree which room will be the nursery

What were my disappointments this month? the hawks not getting in the finals

Anything else noteworthy to include? Nope, nothing I can think of

July 09 Round Up & some bloggie goodness

First let’s get my July Round Up out of the way 🙂

What books and/or magazines did I read this month? Another book in the Sookie Stackhouse series (the basis of True Blood) and another book which name escapes me atm.

What movies, television shows, plays, etc. did I watch this month? Loads of NCIS, plenty of AFL, Time team. That’s bout it really

What fun things did I do with my family and/or friends? Not much cause I’ve been sick. 🙁

What gifts did I give and/or receive? Nothing this month

What special or unusual purchases did I make? The first of many maternity items

What illnesses or health concerns did I have? Had gastro. Found out I’m preggers.

What were my accomplishments this month? finding out I’m having my first child

What were my disappointments this month? how Hawthorn has been playing

Anything else noteworthy to include? Nothing really.

Now onto the bloggie goodness.

Challenge blog Scrap the Girls is under new ownership – and the lucky new owner is the very talented Kayla Renee *hugs*

ScrapTheGirlsAdvertisingBanner_thumb[2]Go check this month’s challenge out here.

Well my lovelies

went to the doc today and our family is to be plus one in 7 months (all going well)

Very excited. on the downside – I have morning sickness 🙁 just waiting for my first ob appointment. kinda hanging out for the first scan lol

grinning like a loon one minute then crying the next, all good 😉

Monthly roundup – June 2009

well the daily posts didn’t work – I got a stomach bug. anyways here’s my monthly roundup

(Questions sourced from Katie the Scrapbook Lady – check her site out it rocks!)

What books and/or magazines did I read this month? The first three books in the Sookie Stackhouse series (the basis of True Blood). I LOVE this series. Marley & Me (now to watch the movie). Just started reading The Bookseller of Kabul by Åsne Seierstad

What movies, television shows, plays, etc. did I watch this month? Loads of NCIS, plenty of AFL. don’t think I’ve watched any movies recently (have a heap of DVDs to catch up on)

What fun things did I do with my family and/or friends? Went out for tea with mum, dad, J & gran for mum’s b’day

What gifts did I give and/or receive? Gave mum a Pandora bracelet & some beads for her birthday. Got a couple of new beads for my Pandora

What special or unusual purchases did I make? Mum’s birthday pressie

What illnesses or health concerns did I have? Both hubby & I got a tummy bug. had weird cravings – well not so weird just feel like ice cream, bananas & choc ice magic.

What were my accomplishments this month? nearly finished my TAFE course

What were my disappointments this month? getting sick

Anything else noteworthy to include? The sad news of the death of Michael Jackson & Farrah Fawcett. such a shame & loss to both the music & film industry.


Want to take a free photo editing course?

Mark your calendar for June 22. That’s the day registration opens for the FREE instructor-led class of 2009 – Photo Editing: Frame-ups & Special Effects! In celebration of our SECOND BIRTHDAY, will host an incredible photo editing class you don’t want to miss! You’ll even receive a stunning FREE KIT by our friends at!

Curious how to use the digital goodies you’ve collected? Or how about creating scuffy, worn edges or rounded corners on your photos? Dying to know to add swirly borders to your pictures like you see in magazines and advertisements? I’ll show you how easy it is to add beautiful accents to enhance your digital photos, as well as how to add special photography effects using Photoshop and Photoshop Elements.

This is a class that ANYONE can take – you just need a copy of Photoshop or Photoshop Elements (download the FREE TRIAL here). So, I need your help to spread the word! This class is perfect for anyone who takes digital photos, anyone who makes digital or paper scrapbook pages, ANYONE who is looking to add cool effects to enhance their photos.

This FREE two-week class begins on July 6, 2009!


You don’t want to miss this class. Jessica is an amazing teacher and her classes are always great.

Still a slack blogger but

I gots to share the love for one of my favourite button sites. Seriously these girls are AWESOME & their buttons are totally rocking.

I can hear you say, get on with it woman, who are you talking about?

KITTYROBOT, of course. These girls rock the handmade sculpey buttons AND their Australian!!

They make buttons (I think I already said that LOL), like these,

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Necklaces and so much more. Can you tell the cupcakes & owls are my favs lol

So anyways go check out their Etsy store or their gorgeous blog for  some gorgeous inspiration (& the chance to win a gorgeous RAK)

Normal blogging will resume shortly 😉

What I’ve been up too

Lots really, not much scrapping thou.

We’ve spent the Easter week I had off cleaning out our garage – pics coming soon.

On the scrapping side I’ve got two challenges up at Roll 2 Create atm. The first is my monthly BOM challenge & this month we’re looking at poems or jokes. It’s also my turn to do the Altered Item challenge. I’ll be posting my examples soon (just need to finish them off). so pop on over to Roll 2 Create and join in these challenges and many more!

Speaking of challenges – 1st of May will see a new challenge blog. I’m super excited to be part of this venture. The new DT gals have been put on & we’re scrapping up a storm 🙂 so pop on over to the Roll the Dice challenge blog on May 1 for the first of our challenges.

Okies enough from me for now. I’ll b back in the next day or two with some LOs 🙂

birthday goodness

Couple of days late but u get that 😉

Just thought I’d share some of the goodies I got 4 my bday on Wednesday.


Flowers from Mum & Dad


My Slice bag


Red Kelly sauces & dressings (yummo)


a shirt


another shirt


A Dymo labler

plus a tatts ticket (so I could b rich – haven’t checked it yet lol) & I have 2 more coming (but there were bought OS apparently)

Well that’s all from me today. I’m off to veg in front of a fan until the Roll 2 Create cyber crop tonight. hope to see u there 🙂

Gung Hay Fat Choy/Gong xi fa cai & a happy birthday to me

First, check out this amazing box of goodies from Wendy. I won this amazing RAK on Wendy’s blog. She’s awesome 🙂

heaps of scrappy goodness. I’m so bummed I didn’t get any Hybrid CC LOs done but I have spent the better part of the last 4 days with a migraine. feeling a bit better today (which is good cause it is my birthday). Gonna give a couple of them a go anyways thou. Must get my week 2 LO done & the mini for the Survivor challenge too.

anywhos today was my 31st bday. sooooooo hot and spent 99% of the day vegging in front of the fan. went  to mum & dad’s 4 tea with Gran, Andrew & Elise, Homer & Noreen (& hubby of course). here’s my cake (yum)

okies it’s like 11pm (Well nearly), it’s still stinkin hot & I is tired so I’m off to bed

don’t forget the Roll 2 Create CC this weekend starting Friday. hope to c u there 🙂