This blog post over at Three Little Princesses made me chuckle.
But it is true. The first time Miss K saw Dorothy she bawled until I changed the channel, same with In the Night Garden. We also said we’d never have anything Wiggles or Hi-5 in our house. Well we’re doing pretty good with Hi-5 but the Wiggles, not so much. Fortunately not on TV yet. And then there is Dora the Explorer, don’t get me started on that one. Miss K really hasn’t shown any interest.
She does, however enjoy Star Wars, Star Trek, AFL and will sit and watch The History Channel with her dad.
What do your kids enjoy? What do they hate?
So far my little tiger loves watching the ceebebies channel and sponge bob though I think it may just be the colours hehehe
My daughter is addicted to that BRAT Pippi Longstocking. I’m trying to get her interested in something that at least has some eductional value, but she is hooked!
Thanks so much for the link. And glad you liked it! Think I might have to follow it up with “Top 10 books and how they’re affecting your child” (because of Where Is The Green Sheep?, Ella thought my blue knitting yarn came from a blue sheep, the green from a green sheep etc!). LOL! PS. Nice to find another Tassie blogger too!