A day in my life

I’m kinda sad. The app I used to do Day in the Life/Week in the Life on my phone before no longer works. So today instead of getting lots of pretty pictures (like last year) you get a text rundown of my day. If you know a replacement to the Days app I will be forever grateful 😉

3am (rough guess didn’t look at my phone) – Miss A awake, kinda. Quick cuddle and back to sleep.
7:30 – awake to Miss K yelling out to me from her room. YouTube doesn’t work :/ go in tell her it’s broken so either go back to sleep or go watch kids TV. Go back to bed.
8:40 – decide we should probably get up. Miss A awake and babbling to the cat.
9:00 – finally crawl out of bed. Morning cuppa, couple of crumpets for breakfast and quick check of my email. Install preview of new Office.
9:30 – shower. Hubby lit fire.
10:30ish – take Miss A for her morning nap. Text mum.
11– help Miss K clean her room so she can go out to my Mum & Dad’s this afternoon.
12 – sit down and get some work done for a client
12:30 – lunch (just noticed – had the same lunch last time I did this LOL)
1 – chuck a load in the dishwasher and a load of clothes in the washer
1:30 – mum picked up Miss K for the afternoon. Miss A woke up.
2 – pottered round the house doing some housework
4:30 – sit down to do a bit more work
5:30 – tea (garlic pizza and stromboli)
6:30 – girls bathed and into bed
7:30 – hubby out for the evening playing D&D with his mates
8 – make a cuppa, grab a snack, sit down and check facebook & email
8:30 – scrapbooking time!
10 – still scrapbooking. Time for a cuppa and something to munch on (hot chocolate & a forest fruit muesli bar)
midnight – finally crawling into bed.

Night all!

Home Sweet Home pt 2 #BEDM

I looked back at what I did last year and big surprise the house looks like a bomb hit it again cause we’ve just done more renos (new front door & window and new shelving in the hall this time). This time around I thought I’d document my plans for the girls room reno.

As much as I love the furniture we’ve got (a wardrobe from hubby’s grandad plus a bed and chest of drawers that are mine) nothing in the room looks cohesive or organised. There are toys everywhere and it looks like chaos and truth be told I hate it. Now that Miss A is getting older and transitioning from the bassinet in our room to the cot in the room with her sister we’re looking at ways we can change the room around.

There’s an alcove on one side of the room which is more of a pain than anything else at the moment. Solution – turn it into floor to ceiling wardrobe! Something along the lines of this. Looks super easy and we can DIY.

WOW! That closet looks amazing! 2 of my girls are currently sharing a room right now and a closet. It's a hott mess! This would be perfect f...

We’re thinking bunk beds when Miss A is older (like these maybe)

Small Shared Kids Bedrooms Design, Pictures, Remodel, Decor and Ideas - page 3 I'm pinning bc I wonder if something like this would work for two boys sharing a room, one who needs a little nightlight and the other who needs dark....hhmmm..... curtains like in the trains of old :) Great for shared bedroom spaces.

but I love these ideas too…

oooooohhhh! I think I might do this for my girls' bedroom. maybe a surprise Christmas gift bedroom makeover! Kids Crammed In? 10 Great Ideas for Your Kids' Shared Bedroom. Except with a trundle of course :)  double loft beds

For the studying and reading

great idea for reading area in child's playroom - just hang curtain rod in the corner with some shelves, pillows, and a rug. Kid's desk pulls down off wall---great space saver. Front is chalkboard framed in white.

Colour wise I’m guessing Miss K will want pink or purple and for decorations and other storage…

Get a cheap bookcase. Attach a mirror and cork board and put it on top of a lazy susan. --- I love this idea! I ABSOLUTELY love this - If I ever have a daughter, I want to have this free nursery print Genius! Use simple black out roll blind and cut shapes out. Makes daytime naps feel like night time stars.

Happy Cinco De Mayo

A little self promotion LOL


We are having a fiesta to celebrate Cinco de Mayo May 1-11 with 25% off A Taste Of Mexico products!

Picante Mexican Oil
Chamoy Vinegar * not in USA/CAN
Pumpkin Fiesta Dip Mix * not in USA/CAN
Guacamole Dip Mix
Milk Chocolate
Chilli Chocolate
Salsa Dip Mix
Fajita Spice
Taco Spice
Chilli Chocolate & Almond Dukkah
Casa Mexicana Spice
Chilli Lime Chipotle Rub

Shop online. Check out my Facebook page for some great Mexican recipes

Clumsy Virginia Hemingway – an adventure in short story writing

Today’s #BEDM prompt is Adventure (Share a story, tell us what adventure means to you, interpret creatively). So I’m sharing a little creative writing with you today. My little adventure story 😉
Disclaimer this story was written using this story generator

Clumsy Virginia Hemingway
A Short Story by Jamie Misty Campbell

Doris Ramsbottom had always loved industrial San Francisco with its vain, vivacious volcanoes. It was a place where she felt calm.

She was a generous, generous, tea drinker with curvaceous fingers and ample moles. Her friends saw her as an ashamed, aggressive animal. Once, she had even rescued a striped puppy from a burning building. That’s the sort of woman he was.

Doris walked over to the window and reflected on her wild surroundings. The rain hammered like bopping puppies.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Virginia Hemingway. Virginia was a clumsy teacher with scrawny fingers and hairy moles.

Doris gulped. She was not prepared for Virginia.

As Doris stepped outside and Virginia came closer, she could see the bumpy glint in her eye.

Virginia gazed with the affection of 6901 grateful giant goldfish. She said, in hushed tones, “I love you and I want a pencil.”

Doris looked back, even more cross and still fingering the weathered record. “Virginia, yabba Dabba Doo,” she replied.

They looked at each other with lonely feelings, like two kaleidoscopic, knotty koalas hopping at a very hilarious birthday party, which had indie music playing in the background and two cute uncles jumping to the beat.

Doris studied Virginia’s scrawny fingers and hairy moles. Eventually, she took a deep breath. “I’m sorry,” began Doris in apologetic tones, “but I don’t feel the same way, and I never will. I just don’t love you Virginia.”

Virginia looked fuzzy, her emotions raw like a short, slobbering sandwich.

Doris could actually hear Virginia’s emotions shatter into 9915 pieces. Then the clumsy teacher hurried away into the distance.

Not even a cup of tea would calm Doris’s nerves tonight.


Hehe did that give you a giggle? I generated 3 or 4 before picking this one. Some of the results are hilarious.

All about me #BEDM

Read more about Blog Every Day in May here.

So today is day one of Blog Every Day in May (#BEDM) for 2015 and today’s topic is Introduce Yourself. Hmm sharing all about me. Well here’s my currently list for this week, giving you an insight into me right now.

Watching – Game of Thrones S5, Supernatural S8

Reading – The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

Listening – Paperclipping Roundtable podcast

Making – Mother’s Day cards, monthly PL spreads

Feeling – tired, sore

Planning – Miss A’s first birthday (what? it’s in August. It will be awesome lol)

Loving – autumn: getting out the winter woollies and cooking comfort foods

Blog Every Day in May #BEDM 2015

Excited to be doing this again. You can find all the dets here, follow along on Twitter with the hashtag #BEDM, take part yourself. Check out my writing from last year.

Blog Every Day in May

Here’s to Blogging everyday in May, interspersed with my regular ramblings 😉 I’ll be back tomorrow with the first prompt. See you then.

P.S. Let me know if you are taking part, I’d love to pop on over and say hi 🙂