I’m kinda sad. The app I used to do Day in the Life/Week in the Life on my phone before no longer works. So today instead of getting lots of pretty pictures (like last year) you get a text rundown of my day. If you know a replacement to the Days app I will be forever grateful 😉
3am (rough guess didn’t look at my phone) – Miss A awake, kinda. Quick cuddle and back to sleep.
7:30 – awake to Miss K yelling out to me from her room. YouTube doesn’t work :/ go in tell her it’s broken so either go back to sleep or go watch kids TV. Go back to bed.
8:40 – decide we should probably get up. Miss A awake and babbling to the cat.
9:00 – finally crawl out of bed. Morning cuppa, couple of crumpets for breakfast and quick check of my email. Install preview of new Office.
9:30 – shower. Hubby lit fire.
10:30ish – take Miss A for her morning nap. Text mum.
11– help Miss K clean her room so she can go out to my Mum & Dad’s this afternoon.
12 – sit down and get some work done for a client
12:30 – lunch (just noticed – had the same lunch last time I did this LOL)
1 – chuck a load in the dishwasher and a load of clothes in the washer
1:30 – mum picked up Miss K for the afternoon. Miss A woke up.
2 – pottered round the house doing some housework
4:30 – sit down to do a bit more work
5:30 – tea (garlic pizza and stromboli)
6:30 – girls bathed and into bed
7:30 – hubby out for the evening playing D&D with his mates
8 – make a cuppa, grab a snack, sit down and check facebook & email
8:30 – scrapbooking time!
10 – still scrapbooking. Time for a cuppa and something to munch on (hot chocolate & a forest fruit muesli bar)
midnight – finally crawling into bed.
Night all!